James McGuffie is a songwriter, producer and mixing engineer working out of his studio, Forest Creek, in Chewton, Victoria. When he’s not working on his solo project, James is well-occupied co-writing with, and producing for a diverse range of artists, including Benjamin Trillado, Eliza Hull and Ainslie Wills. 

James McGuffie announces single release & launches record label, ‘Forest Creek Records’.

Echoing the craftsmanship of folk legends like Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell & Bob Dylan, Trouble Believing offers a unique blend of introspective musings and bursts of melodic divergence. With its vivid imagery and lush production, this track effortlessly transitions from introspective calm to invigorating energy all the while enriching the listener with its timeless charm and evocative storytelling. Listen closely and you might even hear the regional echoes of McGuffie's studio surroundings, arguably just as influential on his process as the musical works of his heroes.

Trouble Believing explores the ‘dire dichotomies’ we face as we move about the world. “Confronting my own biases, while at the same time trying to understand the views of others tends to scramble the mind and emotions. As a result, I have trouble setting many of my own beliefs on solid ground. Call me a fence sitter, but I think the world could do with a little more fluidity when it comes to our beliefs and opinions. As we change, as the world changes, and as our understanding changes I think it’s reasonable that our beliefs and opinions change too. That being said, I think there’s definitely an intellectual and emotional toll for living in this state of flux.” 

Trouble Believing is set to release on Friday 26th April as the first single from McGuffie's upcoming Acedia Pt.2 EP

It's also the first release on his new label, ‘Forest Creek Records’, which will become a home for both McGuffie's solo project, and the artists he produces.

Forest Creek Records


I went for a walk with a new friend the other today

We spoke for 3 hours but I don't remember a single thing he had to say

I wonder if I spoke too much, was I actually listening, or was I just waiting for my turn to speak again?

I've been talking to myself for too long now for this to end,


I'd like to think, nothing is ever black and white,

Everything is constantly moving between the dark and the light


And I'd like to think the world needs all kinds of people

People who specialise, theorise, categorise and advertise

People who sing low, people who sing high, people who can't sing but should sing

People who know what they're doing and where they're going, and people who don't


And I'd like to think the world needs me

Just as much and just as little as the little old lady in the unit across from me

And I'd like to think, nothing is ever how it seems

Everything is constantly ebbing and flowing somewhere between


But even though I'd like to think these things, doesn't mean I always think 'em, 

Cause have trouble believing what I believe


Between my hijacked revelations and all the static on the stations

I have trouble believing

When all the people who agree look and sound just like me

I have trouble believing

And in the absence of conviction, I'm a walking contradiction, in the middle of a dire dichotomy

That's why I have trouble, it’s an endless struggle believing what I believe

believing what I, what I, what I

believing what I, what I, what I

believing what I, what I, what I believe



